Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sweet Sweats

Two weeks ago I went to my friend Schyler Jolley's house to watch a movie and just hang out. About mid way through the evening he pointed out that he was wearing sweats and how comfortable they were. I instantly judged him because sweats are the epitome of I thought. He urged myself and some others there that we should make an investment in a pair of sweats. He said that they would change our lives. I didn't believe him.

When a pair of sweats come to mind I think of two things:
  • Unemployment
  • Walmart
I vowed years ago never to be caught dead wearing sweats. Images of my experiences at the Linda, CA Walmart flood into my memory and I conceitedly decided that I never wanted to be like that. Yes, I'll be the first to admit that I am super judgmental and sort of a tool in that thinking but keep going and you'll see that this is no longer the case. 

Let's fast forward to Friday afternoon. My good friend Schyler Jolley invited me to see a movie and made a comment that all of the guys were wearing sweats to the movie. I did what any sane person would do in a situation like this: I went right over to Walmart and bought me a pair of sweats. If all of my friends jumped off a cliff would I do it? If Robyn Krohn is involved then you better believe I would. 

When the time came for me to put on the sweats I did so a bit grudgingly because my pride was slightly wounded. Now imagine the moment in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone when Harry holds his wand for the first time: a light above his head turns on, wind begins blowing all around Olivander's Wand Shop, and the candles begin to flicker. This same scene began to play out in my bedroom and I instantly knew that i had made a very wise decision. Never had I felt something so comfortable in my entire life. That night,sitting in my theater chair was like sitting on a cloud of air. My life has been forever changed.

I take back anything I ever said about those people in Linda, CA who wore their sweats and wife beaters on a hot summer day to the neighborhood Walmart. They just knew something I didn't: sweats are the most comfortable thing on the entire planet. If you don't own a pair I would recommend that you drive to your closest Walmart and get some right now.

       This is exactly what happened-minus Olivander being in my bedroom.


  1. Sweats are a pregnant woman's best friend. And that is not an insult to you also wearing them. I am merely stating that I understand your newfound love.

  2. I still think sweat pants have a time and a place. I'm not much of a fan of going out in public in sweat pants...unless I'm headed to play handball or something. But glad you've found a new love Studmuffin.

  3. Jason this post cracked me up. Why haven't you started wearing sweats to Wednesday Night Club yet?
    P.S. I'm relieved to know that the next time I get an urge to go jump off a cliff you will be right there doing it with me
