Being a business student requires a lot of group projects throughout your college career. The idea is that the real world is all about team work and collaborating so why not get us used to it now. Back in high school I loathed group projects because I just saw them as a bunch of busy work. Luckily I have been blessed to have the best groups at Utah State and I've really enjoyed (nearly) all of my projects.
This last week I have spent at least 10 hours with my marketing strategy group working on our marketing audit for the Nissan LEAF (first fully electric vehicle). We expect to spend another 5-8 hours polishing it this next week. I want to take this time to apologize to everyone for having zero life this week due to this project. I feel like those girls I blogged about a couple weeks ago who never go on dates because they are so 'busy'. I'm falling into that trap. But alas it will soon be over in ONE WEEK!!!
p.s. have i ever mentioned how ready for summer i am?
(P.S. is dedicated to Madeline Newhouse)
you rock Jason Steinmann.