Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Do what we can, summer will have its flies" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

My friend Rachel posted the other day how she couldn't believe that August has crept upon us. I commented that I was really grateful for it because that means San Diego is a few weeks away and that school is about to start; two things which I have really looked forward to. It really does boggle my mind at how quickly this summer has transpired. It seems like yesterday that I was telling my dad how excited I was to be home and to begin a somewhat new chapter of my life; and now I tell my mom everyday how excited I am for summer to be through so that I can begin yet another chapter.

I remember walking home from one of the final ward prayers last semester with my friend Haley and we were discussing our plans for the summer. I remember telling her all these grand plans I had of being with friends every night, dating every week, meeting tons of new people, and participating in new adventures. I remember the feeling of joyful anticipation as I told her these plans and I really expected to accomplish all of these goals.

I now sit here near the end of the summer, looking back, and seeing that it didn't quite turn out the way I had planned. I ended up spending a lot more time at home then I thought. I didn't date nearly as much as I hoped. I met a few new people but nowhere near the amount I anticipated. I have also participated in a few new adventures but a lot of plans went unfulfilled. Am I sad or let down that my plans didn't go as I had hoped. Surprisingly, no.

I have learned enough in my life that things don't always go the way we plan. When things change and go unexpectedly, I've discovered that it's for our own good. I've had a lot more time to study my scriptures, go to the temple, be with my family, enjoy the outdoors (and indoors), and think. I think the "flies" of my summer have actually be good for me. I think I will go back to Logan rejuvenated, with new goals and expectations.

Summer really is a time to live life to the fullest, whether that is done through being constantly active (as I thought before this summer) or through taking it slow and enjoying the minutes (as I better understand now).

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time." ~John Lubbock


  1. Jason, I am so glad that you have had such a great and satisfactory summer! I totally remember that conversation we had as well and was thinking about it the paragraph before you started talking about it! (Side note: we were walking to wp, not home from it, but that hardly matters.) Anyway, it's so crazy to compare what we thought our summer would be like then and how it actually turned out, and I'm so happy you're happy with the way it all went down.

  2. Jason,
    I would just like to say that you are a very descriptive writer and your posts are a delight to read.
