Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Smells Like Graphite

Rain is pouring so fiercely that one can barely see 200 feet ahead. Six friends sit around a red picnic table with a heart faintly carved in the center. A blue camera is being passed between the six, divided into two groups of three. These six friends are giving one another scenarios where they must make faces that would show their reactions to these scenarios. The sounds of deep laughter can be heard echoing in the mountain valley.

This is a situation that I found myself in Monday night. A group of my friends had come together on the Adams' "land" for a day of 4-wheeling, zip lining, shooting, and just having fun. It was in this scenario that I came to realize how grateful I am for all of my friends.

Who has a friend that can call another friend 'prude' and laugh about it? I do!
Who has a friend whose family owns miles and miles of mountain top and let's me come spend the night? I do!
Who has a friend that keeps me in line when I may make an inappropriate comment by slapping me on the shoulder? I do!
Who has a friend that has now slightly memorized a cell phone number because her cell phone won't store his number in it? I do!
Who has a friend that calls him Jasonican Skywalker? I do!
Who has a friend that is willing to go through an elaborate engagement hoax to prank another friend? I do!
Who has a friend that calls one hour before a concert that he's been wanting to go to and gives him a free concert ticket? I do!
Who has a friend that says "Hey guys, do you think global warming caused the earthquake?" I do!

I am really grateful for those people in my life that put a smile on my face, laugh at me when I sing, and put up with my annoying loud laugh. Thanks!