Thursday, July 12, 2012

Steps to Becoming an Adult

What's Up?

I just got back from mowing my g-parent's lawn in the 102 degree heat which is always great. Did you know that I find mowing the lawn very therapeutic? There is something you didn't know about me Robyn. I just plug in my earphones, flip on my "Running/Mowing" playlist, and get going. You should try it sometime.

So since I have some time to kill before my church visits tonight, I thought I'd give you my completely unresearched and opinionated Steps to Becoming an Adult. Now my version of being an adult will vary differently from others. To my friend Jenna, being an adult might mean being married. To my friend Madeline, it may mean living on your own and earning a stellar degree in Eled. To each his own. Here are my Steps to Becoming an Adult

  1. Birth. Plain and simple, in order to become an adult you have to be born. I was born of good parents that have helped me become an adult. 
  2. Wait in line on the first day of kindergarten behind a girl with really bushy blonde hair. Her name was Megan and once I got her hair out of my face I saw that she was cute and I developed a little crush. Becoming an adult involves having lots of crushes and going on dates. It includes moments where you have a "hummingbird heartbeat" (Katy Perry song) and moments where your heart comes to a stop because you get dumped. 
  3. Surviving a summer in Redding,CA. I think heat separates the men from the boys. If you can survive weeks of 100+ temperatures while wearing church clothes, a sweaty helmet, and biking around while people yell profanities, then you've got to be a champion. Emily Milam, I hope your ready to experience it because we're going to dress up in church clothes and ride bikes when we're in Redding.
  4. Accounting 2010. The most stressful class of my college career. That's where I really learned to study for a final. If you're going to be an adult you need to know how to find the break even points of projects, the cost per unit of a batch, and a slew of other really hard things that I for some reason couldn't get the grasp of.
  5. Attend Twilight Concert Series. If you haven't done it, do it. Sure some of the bands are obscure and you probably won't know their songs but being slammed together with 30,000 sweaty, stinky, high, half-naked people is certainly something memorable. You'll go in that place an innocent little child and come out with hair on your chest (probably not your own hair, but that of some balding 35 year old wearing a torn wife beater.)
  6. Being able to make impulse buys. This comes with having a job which is essential to being a true adult. When I was in college I had to think about every purchase because if I didn't then I'd be homeless. Having a job makes it a little easier to buy something at the store or go to a nice restaurant. 
Well that about sums it up. Have a nice day.


  1. Haha I like this! And i was mentioned! Awesome!

  2. I feel like very few people qualify as adults by this list, but I'm proud to say that I know at least one adult.

  3. You forgot "live in your mom's basement", the most important step of all!

  4. Ha ha! My bad, I wasn't expecting you to write a new blog post so I am WAY behind the times. But I loved this. Not sure the Twilight Concert series would make my personal list of Becoming an Adult . . .
