Friday, February 11, 2011

The Yo-Yo

Do you remember when yo-yo's were the biggest fad to hit elementary schools since the Tomagachi and Giga Pet? I do. I did everything in my power to get my yo-yo to 'sleep' which requires skill, timing, and the right yo-yo. Unfortunately I was never successful.

(Time to get metaphorical)
I think we all go through different yo-yo fads in our lives where we feel like we go up and down, up and down in decisions, feelings, joys, accomplishments, you name it. I think that's how we learn, we go through the ups and downs. I think relationships and the emotional ties that go along with relationships are the most freqented yo-yo fad we experience in our lives. I've experienced it. One day you like someone so much, the next day you don't, and then for some reason those feelings all come back. It's a constant yo-yo.

My yo-yo has been going up and down, up and down and I've finally decided that this particular yo-yo is going to be shelved. This particular yo-yo is done. There is nothing wrong with this yo-yo, my timing is just off and I lack the skill for this yo-yo, plus I just don't feel it. It's time for me to move on to a new yo-yo, a new up and down experience.


  1. Stop going up and down, silly billy. Make the yo-yo sleep and someday you'll sleep with a yo-yo.

  2. First of all, I am very very glad you are back.
    And second of all, I may not know a thing about anything, but I think you should take advice from your friend "The Base Jumper" on the side of your blog. Don't be afraid to jump.

  3. Yo-Yo Ma @ your library reading goodnight moon.

  4. Romantic relationships don't have to be like yo-yos. In my experience, they have been, but that's because the people I've dated haven't wanted to commit. I think you should find someone who is not a yo-yo with you. That's what I'm trying to look for, for me, at least.

    Sure, you're infatuated one day and then you aren't the next day -- but infatuation and "the spark" are just how relationships BEGIN, but not how they are maintained. Eventually, love becomes more like a decision than an emotion.

    Just a couple things to think about, since I've had a recent experience that taught me some things I thought might be relevant here. Hope all is well.

