Sunday, February 13, 2011

Because I Knew You...I Have Been Changed For Good

I firmly believe that people are put into our lives for a reason. If you ever have some spare time I would recommend you look back at your life and those in it and see how they got there, what influence they've had, and maybe why they are in your life. I'm feel pretty nostalgic right now so I dedicate this post to my followers.

Madeline: The girls would always bring you up last year but you constantly remained a 'Farmington Mystery'. I heard about you even more during the summer after you all went to Nauvoo and it sounded like you were a pretty stellar person. After meeting you and getting to know you this year I can say that you are a pretty stellar person. Your quite demeanor is very influential on me because as you know I'm not a quiet person. We've never had any deep conversations but I feel that if I ever wanted to talk to you that you would sincerely listen. Thanks for always exuding a joyful and happy spirit.

Kendra: Did you know that you were once an answer to my prayers? That's right! I knew that we'd be doing a group assignment in Marketing and I didn't know a soul in that class so I was a bit nervous. The night before the class I seriously prayed that I would know someone in the class. Much to my surprise, the next day when I turned around, you were sitting there. Thank you for letting me sit with you and for taking the time to get to know me. Good luck with your future endeavors, you certainly deserve to be happy.

Taylor: I appreciate your personality. It has taught me a lot over the past year and a half. I felt that I could trust you from the moment we met (hence the counselor call). Your sense of humor makes me laugh because sometimes I just don't get it but you never seem to mind. You always put a smile on my face when you 'release' in my room or stroke Katy Perry's face. (She's not mad at you anymore by the way for not recognizing her on the magazine). I look forward to the adventures of the next year, hopefully they'll be just as great as the past.

Matt Judd: You were a stalwart preemie. I can only imagine the affect you are having on the lives of those you are teaching. Sharing your talent with the bagpipes always made me smile and truly brought our ward together on multiple occasions. Your example helped influence many in our quorum that I wasn't able to reach. Keep working hard and you'll be so blessed.

Kenzie: When I think of my favorite people in the world you always make the list. I feel like we never got 100% close and that's probably my fault but I did feel that we grew closer during the last semester. I think Parowan was a defining moment in our friendship and I appreciate it. Thank you for your honesty, the world needs more of it. I can see you helping MANY in Missouri and Kansas just because of your boldness. You have a way of causing people to fall in love with you and that is such a huge asset. Thanks for making me smile and laugh out loud on multiple occasions.

Rachel: When I first met you I honestly thought we'd never be good friends because you were always with Luke. I was wrong. I feel like even though we've never enjoyed a 'special relationship', I still consider you one of my closer friends. I appreciate how you laugh with me and occasionally at me. It makes me feel good inside and encourages me to continually be witty. Thank you for sharing life experiences with me because it makes me feel like I can then share my life stories with you.

Jenna: You're great! I may have changed your life but you've changed mine as well. I think the single greatest thing I've learned from you is the value of being a good listener. You listen to my problems and everyone's problems and never complain. You've taught me how introspect and ponder more. You've taught me that there is such thing as a genuine balance between being serious and downright hilarious and inappropriate, a balance I struggle with. I honestly cannot wait to hear about your mission experiences. I think your letters will be incredibly entertaining.

Chris: You legitimately brightened every day of my second transfer. I don't think I've ever met someone as happy and optimistic as you. You are a very thought provoking person and I appreciate that. The world needs more people who think deeply. Whenever I think of you I think of happiness. You know what it means to be happy and you live for happiness. Thank you for setting that example of what sheer joy can be.

Aleisha: What I find amazing about our friendship is that I don't really ever remember a beginning. I feel like we've always been friends when in reality we've only known each other for a little over a year. You are such a fun person and you are always smiling. That's what I think of when I think of you. When you told me you had been called as RS President I wasn't surprised at all. You have the personality and love for that calling and I'm sure you are doing a remarkable job. Thanks for being such a great friend even when I have slacked off.

Anna: I could honestly fill an entire post with what I'm grateful to you for. But since others are reading this I must be brief. I would not be the person I am today without you in my life. You are a sister to me. I can talk to you about EVERYTHING and you listen and I cannot think of anything greater than that. You are someone that I can just completely be myself around and you love me for it. Our lives are incredibly intertwined and I look forward to MANY MANY more years of laughter, sorrow, joy, and adventure.

Robyn: How come we weren't close in high school? This question still eludes me. We knew each other so why did we never hang out? Nonetheless, I am so grateful for our friendship now. You are the most genuine person I know. You do not have a bone of hypocrisy in your body. You care about everyone and you show it so much. Never in my life have I been so relieved then when I heard you had been called as RS President. I knew that I could come to you for advice and that you'd instantly give it with inspiration. It's been different in Logan without you but I look forward to the summer and all the adventures that are in store.

Chelsea B: I get really excited each time I see you because you are such a fun person to be around. You have a distinct honesty that I strongly admire. You speak your mind but with a gentleness that is hard for some to acquire. I always loved the days when you wouldn't have to work last year because that meant you'd hang out with us. Your laugh is infectious and I appreciate that so much. Thanks for being you!

Matt Pearson: Oh Matthew! What can I say about you? First, you are one of my best friends. Our friendship is largely centered around ridicule and put downs but I think we each know (in some sick way) that that's how we show our appreciation for each other. I like hanging out with you because I always know that I'm going to laugh most of the time. I hope that we can be friends for a very long time.

Haley: When I think of sincerity I think of you. Never in my life have I met someone as sincere as you. You are one of my best friends and I'll be eternally grateful for what you have taught me about people, kindness, and love. You have a sweet, calm spirit about you but once some music comes on you let that all go and just let loose. Thank you for putting up with my weaknesses and helping me to turn them into strengths.

Cody Moore: You are one of the wittiest people I know and I'm so thankful for that. I never stop laughing when you and Derrick get together. Thank you for always sharing with me your interests because I like learning about them. Thank you for taking time out of your life to take pictures of me up in the mountains when its only 20 degrees outside. I look forward to many years of laughter.


  1. Jason, you are so great. And nice. And awesome. And everything. Thanks :)

  2. Thanks Jason :) I feel like we could have really great deep conversations haha, just say the word and I'm there.

  3. ah jase! you're the best "brother" ever, I may even start lovingly referring to you as brah!

  4. Oh Jason. You are really great. Fo real.

  5. jason! wow you are just so amazing! thank you and i'm so glad we had that class together! you deserve the best!

  6. So I am now an official follower of your blog. Rachelle and I were talking about you today and I realized that I am freaking blessed to have you as someone I consider one of my best friends, You're right up there with my wife. You have helped in so many ways and I really think of you as my brother. Thanks for being amazing.

  7. Wow, have I mentioned how happy I am that you're back? You are the greatest, I'm truly psyched for this summer.

  8. Aw Jason. I can't wait to be your friend :)
