Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Moment of Superficiality

Sandra- you were my first celebrity crush and you still hold the biggest place in my heart.

Katy- you are a recent addition to this list and I have decided that if I ever had the chance to marry you, I would.

Zooey- I'd love to just spend one day with you, let alone 500!

Eliza- I haven't seen you around for awhile but that doesn't matter, you're still good looking.

Rachel- I once heard a rumor that you had a condition where you couldn't grow hair. I recently discovered that was false which makes me uber happy!

Emma- you certainly have blossomed.

Emmy- you are the real reason why I like the new version of Phantom better than the awful Sarah Brightman version. (That comment is for you Haley)

Ellen- to be honest, I thought you were ugly in Juno, but after seeing Inception, I've changed my mind.

Cascada- thank you for not being rail thin! Having some meat on a girl is really attractive.