Friday, December 21, 2012

Had the World Ended

Here I sit on what was supposed to be the last day of life as we know it. I should have seen it coming. I mean think about it: had the Mayans been such great predictors wouldn't they still be around? I tried living it up yesterday but stuffing my face with deliciousness now I'm just full of sugar and need to jog to work it off. :(

Had the world ended today, what would it have been like? Here are my thoughts.

The first shocker of the day would have been the sun not rising as it should. Night would continue and darkness would consume the earth. The kicker is that when a person comes in direct contact with moonlight for a minimum of 10 minutes they instantly become a zombie. This whole zombie fad is no fad at all but a reality (although you wouldn't know it because it didn't happen today.)

Once your average Joe started seeing his peers turn into zombies he would of course freak out and go all Walking Dead and stuff. (I don't watch that show, I've just heard.) The only problem is that you would only be able to survive for a max of 10 hours because eventually the darkness would just turn you into a zombie regardless.

The darkness would eventually consume Salt Lake City, where I reside, and of course there would be chaos. Rosepark would be the first to go because everyone seems to walk the streets over there. Here's my philosophy: I would much rather just call it good and become a zombie rather than spending ten dreadful hours trying to ward them off. Just saying. Inevitably the entire world would be transformed into zombies and we'd all get along.

That's how I saw it going down but unfortunately it didn't happen so here I am blogging as a human.

Had I turned into a zombie, this is what I would have looked like. Good looking huh?

1 comment:

  1. Jason! I agree with you 100% - as I recall, life was pretty good as a zombie. Why fight it, constantly looking over your shoulder nervously, scanning for zombies waiting to ambush you. Life is so much simpler and funner as a zombie.
