Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sunday Naps

One of the greatest things in this world is the Sunday nap. It's that one thing in this world that can be relied upon to give needed rejuvenation. I haven't always been able to indulge on the Sunday nap because of one thing or another but when I am able to enjoy it, my life becomes so much more fulfilled.

Jason's Sunday Nap History:

Birth-January 2, 2007: As a lad I never napped. Naps did nothing for me and I wanted nothing to do with naps. I actually had a phobia of naps. My fear was that if I were to fall asleep I would miss on really fun and important things. One time I was sick and my mom forced me to lay down and get some needed rest. I was so nervous that she would leave and do something fun without me that I grabbed her car keys and hid them under my pillow. Needless to say, I never took a nap on Sunday

January 3, 2007-December 23, 2008: Something switched in my brain during my mission. It seemed as though that on day one I began having an overwhelming desire to take a nap every day. I'd wake up at 6:30 in the morning and by 7:00 I'd be ready for a nap. The only time in those two years I was able to nap was in the summer of 2007 when my mission president recommended it due to the inhumane heat of Redding, CA. The Sunday nap never happened because I was usually in church from sun up to sun down so there was no time to nap.

January 2009-August 2009: My desire to nap on Sundays were not to occur during my first 8 months home because my church fell at 1:00. I got to sleep in so napping on Sunday wasn't really necessary. No harm, no foul.

September 2009-August 2012: This period of my life was the best for the Sunday nap. Church was in the morning, I didn't have any callings that required me to stay late, I lived in Logan where all of my friends napped, and there was nobody nagging me to not nap. I will be forever grateful for this period of my life because I was constantly rested and ready to go when Monday rolled around.

August 2012-Present: My calling no longer allows me to nap on Sunday. Ward Council and EQP visits don't allow me to get home in time for a decent nap. This means I wake up Monday morning exhausted and unwilling to function. Its OK though, I manage.

This is me napping at two in the morning during the Relay for Life. Mary Neary was able to sneak up on my and take this sweet pic.


  1. Jason your nap history cracks me up. Also, it seems as though you've been deprived of Sunday naps for most of your life . . . I'm so sorry

  2. My favorite Sunday nap is the accidental one: You sit down to read a book or watch a movie, get comfortable and find yourself paying less attention to your book/movie, then wake up an hour or two later, slightly sweaty, but very refreshed
