The current temperature in Logan is 11 degrees. The current temperature in Las Vegas is 50 degrees. So far the forecast shows that on Monday (when we arrive in Vegas) the high will be 68 degrees. I actually don't remember what warmth feels like right now. My body is just used to cold, colder, freezing, and unbearable. The cold makes my nose constantly run when I'm outside and I think my sinuses will go into shock when they experiences heat again.
I've also forgotten what grass looks like. I'm used to seeing white stuff about 6 inches off the ground which eventually turns rock solid and black.
It will also be really weird swimming outside. Our neighbor Emily lets us go swimming at the Best Western here in Logan every now and then but it's completely indoors and that's what I've grown used to. I've heard that the place we are staying has a lazy river and I (and Matt my roommate especially) is looking forward to just floating around it all day long.
Favorite part: when you called Matt "my Matt."