Friday, January 7, 2011

Some More Blanks

For some reason my post titled 'Blanks' is my most view post by a large margin. So for this week (since I have no idea what to write about) I'm going to once again just mention some random things in my life.

First- Logan, I miss you and I'm really excited to come back tomorrow.
Second- Christmas Break, you've been good to me but I think it's time for you to be over now.
Third- I never realized how awesome solid food is until I was stuck with only soft foods for two days. You get so much more flavor when you chew.
Fourth- Dear work, where is my money? Do you realize that I need to buy books still?
Fifth- Why in the world did I not watch 'Everybody Loves Raymond' until this break? That is a funny show!
Sixth- My car needs to warm up at least 10 minutes before I go somewhere or else the transmission doesn't work.
Seventh- A pet peeve of mine is when I try to be nice to the high school cashier at the grocery store and all she can do is barely utter a word through her clench teeth.
Eighth- Jenna, I like your dream blog. It's made me more aware of my dreams.
Ninth- I'm grateful for Google Street View because it allows me to work and become all nostaligic towards my mission.
Tenth- Ultimate Frisbee in 5 inches of snow is a ton of fun. You all should try it. Dress warm though or you'll hate it.
Eleventh- I began teaching myself some sign at the beginning of break but sort of lost interest.
Twelfth- Not a fan of Lortab.
Thirteenth- I was a Nephite in my dream last night. I also walked into a random house that was on fire and discovered a boxer and pit bull having an affair.
Fourteenth- I've discovered how much fun it is to e-mail friends.
Fifteenth- I forgot how to spell twelfth and had to look it up.


  1. I like all of these. You crack me up. Have fun in Logan.

  2. Sign?? Why didn't you tell me that? I'm sure it's no fun by yourself, silly
